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Saturday, 8 January 2011

Halfway to goal!!!!

After all the crazy eating and drinking from Christmas finally ended, I found it really hard to get back into a good routine. Yesterday and today have been the best food-wise since the festivities so I'm hoping that's the end of gorgefest!
I headed to the gym today and weighed myself expecting to see 78 kg-ish and was amaaaazed to weigh in at 77kg! 170 lbs! Halfway! 4lbs in under a week just by going back to my normal eating habits and stopping the booze train I was on! (It's more like 77.2 kg but meh!) If I lose another 3lbs this month I'll fulfill my January goal!! :) Fingers crossed!
So pleased I'm at the halfway mark. It was only a matter of a few pounds but the symbolism is the important thing. Last week I had more than 50% left to do and now I don't. AND I was only two weeks late! (Halfway was my Christmas goal.)
Now here's hoping the scales wasn't wrong! :P