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Monday, 29 November 2010

Asos package

I ran excitedly to the post office earlier to collect my package and the queue was out the door- bloody Christmas packages! Eventually I picked up my ASOS package and practically ran home.
My shoes are ridiculous- high, platform heeled and very dangerous.... but gorgeous all the same!
The first dress wouldnt zip up above the waist- hoping a different bra and reaching my Christmas goal will take care of that . I think it'll be flattering once it fits!
The second dress is verging on too big. It is definitely not fitted enough on the waist, even with a little belt. So, with more weight loss on the cards, I'm exchanging it for a 12. Wooooo!! I know that it's because the sizes obviously run big on the particular dress but ordering a 12 definitely has big feel-good factor!
So, one too big and one too small. Definitely a 14 now then! :D
I'm off to eat lunch now and head off to the gym and to weigh myself. Hoping for 4/ 5 lbs off since last Tuesday. Will update later.