Press Play!!


Thursday, 14 January 2010

Hola habibis!!

Figure if I put it in writing it might motivate me a little! I want to lose weight!! I have been letting it seak up fro too long and making excuses. It is now time to make a change! I will not be making any drastic alterations to my diet because that will just result in an epic FFFAAAIIILLL and I don't like to fail so gonna take it easy enough; do some walking, stop skipping breakfast, cut MAJORLY down on my pizza intake and drink less beer and more wine. If I can do that then I'll up the ante in a few weeks when I'm more ambitious and less cold and therefore seeking out all kindsa comforts!

Wanna be back to a UK 12 by Summer. I'm a big 16 now and shopping sucks ass!

Ok so just putting that out into the big bad cyber world!!!
